The first step in client interaction is to establish rapport. The word “rapport” is
French, literally meaning, “to bring or offer back”, (you will see the how
appropriate that becomes when we discuss Mirroring and Matching). The
French use the word most often in the expression, “en rapport avec”, which
can be translated as “to be in connection with someone.” For our purposes we
explain rapport as meaning the quality of trust, agreement and cooperation
resulting in a reciprocal acceptance that occurs between individuals, enabling
them to relate to and communicate perfectly with each other. We might further
define rapport as a state of harmony and recognition between people, an
acceptance and mutual understanding that results in a sense of ease and
comfort. Congruency. It occurs naturally when people are in “sync” or in “tune”
with each other, such as when they share common interests. However,
rapport does not always occur spontaneously or naturally. When it does not
exist naturally, it can be developed by one person entering the other’s reality
and communicating with them on their level.
In understanding rapport it is important to realize that each person
builds their own unique map of the world. Everything they do, feel, think or
experience, every decision they ever make, every conclusion they ever draw
is based entirely on their map, rather than the world itself. Their map becomes
their perspective of the world, and everything they perceive and understand is
based on and skewed by their perception of the world. This becomes their
reality. Rapport can exist only where a sharing of that reality is present
between individuals. Thus we must identify the client’s reality, understand it,
and enter it.
Everyone has been in rapport at one time or another. We have all had
the experience of interacting with someone and leaving them feeling good and
very positive. Losing all track of the time while we were together. Becoming so
absorbed and immersed in the moment and the conversation that we may
even forget for a moment where we are. Then, when we part, we leave with
the feeling that the person is really special, perhaps even thinking “what a
great person,” and feeling that we were pretty special too. That is rapport.
When you are talking with someone, a spouse, a co-worker, a friend, and you
are in rapport, you may open your mouth to speak at the same moment,
maybe even to say exactly the same thing. This is rapport too. Rapport is an
essential element of all effective communication.
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